ME201 Mercedes 5 & 6-cylinder (1987 & Newer) Diesel Engine to Chevy Automatic V8 Transmission

$1,250.00 USD

Materials Included: 

(1) Adapter plate - Mercedes 5 and 6 cyl diesel engines '87 and newer to chev auto
(1) Torque converter spacer - Mercedes 5 and 6 cylinder diesel to Chev 350/400
(1) Crank Adapter - Mercedes 5 and 6 cylinder diesel to Chev Automatic
(1) Torque converter drive plate
(1) SHCS M10-1.5 X 30 P 12.9 DIN 912
(10) FHSCS 5/16-24 X 1-1/4 
(6) FPB716-20x34 7/16-20 x3/4 flexplate bolts
(2) FHSCS M10-1.50 X 80
(6) HCS 3/8-16 X 1 1/4 YZ 8 
(6) 10.9 HCS M8-1.25 X 25 Z
(2) Dowel pin .500 X 1 Dowel Pin
(3) Extra Thick Washer 7/16 Hard
(3) USS Flat Washer 7/16 YZ 8

*Matching our adapter kits with your engine can be tricky. If you are unsure of which kit to purchase for your engine, please call customer service at (763) 767-4480. Speed Gems is not responsible for return shipping costs of mismatched kits.

Installation Instructions